
牛课网 考试宝典 更新时间:13-04-25

66. __________ to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected.
  A. Adhering        B. Adopting        C. Adjusting        D. Acquainting
67. He is fed up with the same old dreary routine, and wants to quit his job. The underlined part means __________.
  A. dull                B. boring        C. long                D. hard
68. At last night’s party Larry said something that I though was beyond me. The underlined part means __________.
  A. I was unable to do                                B. I couldn’t understand
  C. I was unable to stop                                D. I couldn’t tolerate
69. The couple __________their old house and sold it for a vast profit.
  A. did for        B. did in                C. did with        D. did up
70. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once accepted all the __________ for herself.
  A. credit                B. attention        C. focus                D. award
71. The child nodded, apparently content with his mother’s promise. The underlined part means __________.
  A. as far as one has learnt                        B. as far as one is concerned
  C. as far as one can see                                D. as far as one is told
72. The __________ that sport builds character is well accepted by people nowadays.
  A. issue           B. argument        C. point                D. sentence
73. Everyone in the office knows that Melinda takes infinite care over her work. The underlined part means __________.
  A. limited        B. unnecessary                  C. overdue        D. much
74. The new measure will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident. The underlined part means __________.
  A. if an accident happens                        B. if an accident can be prevented
  C. before an accident                                D. during an accident
75. Traditionally, local midwives would __________ all the babies in the area.
  A. handle        B. produce        C. deliver        D. help
76. No food or drink is allowed on the premises. The underlined part means __________.
  A. proposition                 B. advertisement                 C. building        D. string
77. The court would not accept his appeal unless __________ evidence is provided.
  A. conclusive                  B. definite        C. eventual        D. concluding
78. As soon as he opened the door, a __________ of cold air swept through the house.
  A. flow          B. movement        C. rush                D. blast
79. She really wanted to say something at the meeting, but eventually __________ from it.
  A. prevented                   B. refrained        C. limited        D. restricted
80. The couple told the decorator that they wanted their bedroom gaily painted. The underlined part means __________.
  A. brightly                      B. light-heartedly                 C. cheerfully        D. lightly
66. 解析:这题没啥好说的,适应学校生活 adjust to school life,选C。
67. 解析: dreary指dull,选A。但有词典指出boring也是近义词,外教也表示AB均可。所以B也是对的,我估计出题人是选A。
68. 解析:be beyond somebody指to be too difficult for someone to understand.故选B。
69. 解析:选D。do up这里指to repair an old building or car, or to improve its appearance。此外do up还可以指fasten something,比如Do your laces up before you trip over.
70. 解析:选A。这里的credit指approval or praise that you give to someone for something they have done.常见搭配有give credit; take/claim/deserve credit。
71. 解析:首先ABCD的释义都是指apparently的意思,具体语境有具体不同的释义,在我们这个句子里,指according to the way someone looks or a situation appears, although you cannot be sure. 因此选C。换一个句子比如I wasn’t there, but apparently the thief got away.这里的apparently就指A或D。
72. 解析:选B。这里的argument指a set of reasons that show something is true or untrue, right or wrong。相当于汉语说的主张论点。很多人选C,point的确有这个意思,也可以接同位语从句,搭配上习惯是说take the/sb’s point.不过,我询问过外教,他是觉得argument更好,只是point也没什么不对。
73. 解析:infinite是finite的反义词,这里指very great/huge in amount or degree,因此选D。
74. 解析: 选A。in the event of something is used to tell people what they should do if something happens.
75. 解析:midwife是指产婆,接生员。所以选C,deliver可以指接生(孩子),或者生孩子。
76. 解析:选C。以复数形式出现的premises指the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses.
77. 解析:选A。首先appeal是指上诉。Conclusive指showing something is definitely true,比如conclusive proof/evidence/findings。旁证是circumstantial evidence.
78. 解析:个人认为选D。又见量化问题,一阵/股冷风袭来该如何用英语说。首先句子里动词用了sweep,指to move suddenly and/or with force over an area or in a particular direction.而blast指a sudden strong movement of air。但问题在于C。词典里rush其实可以指a sudden fast movement of air, 外教的回答是blast is better here and is what native speakers would prefer. 而Flow往往接的是水流电流等,而且指a smooth and steady movement.
79. 解析:refrain from sth/doing sth指to not do something you want to do,主要用于书面语。
80. 解析:先聊聊gaily这个单词的来源吧。这个单词虽然是ly结尾却是形容词,是有gay + ly 变来的。而gay在很早的时候是指人happy, merry, cheerful,或者颜色bright, attractive,这个用法现代英语已经抛弃,请大家不要乱用。所谓gaily painted/colored/decorated指having bright cheerful colors.所以选A。







