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There were two archaic countries called Jalania and Cirathia long ago. Jalania was arid and bleak while Cirathia arable. The king of Jalania was an autocrat with belligerent bent who begrudged Cirathia and belittled her armament, and he decided to assail Cirathia.

Firstly, he sent an astute ambassador in bleached apparel to visit Cirathia. The king of Cirathia held a banquet and appointed him. He avowed: “We Cirathians are bestowed by God the ardent aptitudes. We are ascetic as to have few assets and bequests. We’re also assiduous and keep austerity.” “Sure,” the messenger beguiled, “Your people have begotten great attainments, and we want to barter with your country.”

On hearing that, the Jalania king said: “Good, nobody can balk us.” And he basted Cirathia with his army. They bereaved Cirathia land and beset its capital. The Cirathia king was astounded and berated: “You shit belied your avid aspire for our land and blemished justice!” All Cirathian officials were befuddled and began to bicker with each other. Only one minister said: “Although situation is arduous, we shall not apprehend them. I’ve appraised them and asserted that their ardor won’t last long. Everything is auspicious and will get assuaged.”

The Jalania forces’ general thought: “Our king is too bigoted. Ever since I passed his audition and became general, my allegiance has been basked in attrition. I’ve awed him, but now filled with aversion. I’ll kill him and retire. I’m apt to study barometer.” So he aspersed: “Our king is avaricious and barbarous. We shouldn’t bend to his arrogance.” Then he sent an assassin and assassinated the king.








