托业题型全解析(五):Sentence Completion

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题型五:Sentence Completion


This section consists of forty sentences, each missing one or more words. Below each sentence are four words or phrases. Your job is to decide which of these four choices produces a complete, grammatical, and logical sentence when it is put into the sentence.


1. Begin by reading each item carefully. Try to guess what word or words are missing. Look for these words or similar words among the answer choices.

2. The most common testing point in Part V involves word choice. You can identify these items because the four answer choices look alike or have similar meanings. Use the context of the sentence to help you choose the answer, and look for any grammar clues that help you eliminate distractors.

3. The second most common type of item in Part V involves word form. You can recognize these because the answer choices are all forms of the same word. Use the endings of the words to determine which choice is correct in the context of the sentence.

4. Verb problems are the third most common item type in Part V. The answer choices for these items are four forms of the same verb. Look for time words and other clues.

5. If the correct choice is not obvious, eliminate choices that are clearly incorrect and guess. Put a mark by items that you found difficult so that you can come back to them if you have time. Never leave any items unanswered.

6. Never spend too much time on any one item.

7. As soon as you finish Part V, go on to Part VI.

* Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises
A. Word Choice
B. Word Forms
C. Word Choice/Word Forms
D. Verbs
E. Prepositions
F. Connecting Words
G. Gerunds, Infinitives, and Simple Forms






