
牛课网 考试宝典 更新时间:2024-06-01 01:34:36

雅思阅读基本功难句过关:倒装句型 雅思阅读基本功难句过关:分词


  1. Halfway across the room, a small pistol in his hand, stood a man.
  2. They do not seem to like one another very much, neither are they too keen on conventional people.
  3. Down came the “white only” notices in buses, hotels, trains, restaurants, sporting events, rest rooms and on park benches that once could be found everywhere throughout the South.
  4. Quite different is the outcome of successful insurrections like those of July 1830 and February 1848.
  5. Splendid is the architecture of Manhattan, the heart of the city, with its hundred and more skyscrapers.
  6. Especially popular were his Sunday evening dinners, usually followed by musical performances.
  7. Only in recent years have women begun to catch up with men in this area.
  8. Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket; most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.
  9. But unpopular as red has been in the past, at the moment it is a favorite hair dye.
  10. Only when he has lost his way does he realize that he wasn’t careful enough to make sure that he really did understand.
  11. Only by becoming wealthier can countries correct these conditions.
  12. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
  13. Out of our emotional experience with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”.
  14. Among the most promising and most thoroughly researched probiotics is the GG strain of Lactobacillus, discovered by Dr. Sherwood Gorbach and biochemist Barry Goldin, both at Tufts University School of Medicine.
  15. Only when total production expands faster than the rate of labor force growth plus the rate of productivity increase and minus the rate at which average annual hours fall does the unemployment rate fall.
  1.Halfway a across the room, a small pistol in his hand, stood a man.
  全句只有1个谓语动词:stood。本句是完全倒装结构,按正常语序应该是:A small pistol in his hand, a man stood halfway across the room. 其中,a small pistol in his hand 是一个独立主格结构,修饰主语a man.
  2.They do not seem to like one another very much, neither are they too keen on conventional people.
  全句有2个谓语动词:do和are。本句的后半部分是一个主谓倒装的单句,按正常语序应该是:They are neither too keen on conventional people. 注意neither指的是“(两个中的)一个都不”。
  3.Down came the “white only” notices in buses, hotels, trains, restaurants, sporting events, rest rooms and on park benches that once could be found everywhere throughout the South.
  全句有2个谓语动词:came,could be.其中主句的是:came.按照正常语序句子主干应该是:The “white only” notices … came down. Notices后面的介词短语,作为后置定语修饰notices.介词短语后面还有一个that引导的定语从句修饰notices.为了避免主语部分过于冗长,因而将主谓倒装。
  4.Quite different is the outcome of successful insurrections like those of July 1830 and February 1848.
  全句只有1个谓语动词:is。本句是一个完全倒装句,按照正常语序应该是:The outcome of successful insurrections like those of July 1830 and February 1848, is quite different.介词短语like those of…作为后置定语修饰insurrections,其中为了省略而使用those 代替the insurrections.
  5.Splendid is the architecture of Manhattan, the heart of the city, with its hundred and more skyscrapers.
  全句只有1个谓语动词:is.本句是一个完全倒装句。按照正常语序应该是:The architecture of Manhattan, the heart of the city, with its hundred and more skyscrapers, is splendid.






