
牛课网 考试宝典 更新时间:2024-05-28 14:30:51

1 They voted to abolish the office of second vice-president.
A decorate
B create
C improve
D eliminate
2 Eleanor Roosevelt's dedication to humanitarian causes won her affection and honor at home and abroad.
A on the air
B henceforth
C nearby
D in foreign countries
3 Choreographer Twyla Tharp uses familiar dance movements in original ways to create works filled with clever gestures and abrupt changes in motion and mood.
A graceful
B creative
C sudden
D dramatic
4 Red giant stars do not become white dwarf stars abruptly; the process takes more than fifteen hundred years.
A suddenly
B in unison
C prematurely
D accidentally
5 Although South Carolina's mineral resources are abundant,not all of them can be mined lucratively.
A molten
B plentiful
C diverse
D precious
6 The most famous Shoshone Indian was Sacagawea—the woman who accompanied Lewis and Clark on their exploration of the upper Missouri River.
A traveled with
B argued with
C defended
D avoided
7 It is now generally assumed that the planets were formed by the accretion of gas and dust in a cosmic cloud.
A separation
B reaction
C accumulation
D motion
8 While they were away on vacation,they allowed their mail to accumulate at the post office.
A be deliveredI3 pile up
C get lost
D be returned
9 If the weatherman has predicted accurately, tomorrow will be a perfect day for our picnic.
A astutely
B correctly
C carefully
D acutely
10 Usually,in an attack of influenza,the patient's limbs ache.
A hurt
B soften
C get numb
D get hot
11 As aquatic plants moved millions of years ago from the ocean to the land,they underwent a number of adaptations.
A mishaps
B expansions
C setbacks
D modifications
12 One of California's greatest problems is providing adequate water to meet the needs of its expanding population.
A sufficient
B palatable
C suitable
D unpolluted
13 Weed killers must be chosen and applied with great care to avoid damage to adjacent trees and shrubs.
A indigenous
B nearby
C perennial
D similar
14 Eleven states,including the adjoining states of North and South Carolina,seceded from the United States in the 1860's and formed a southern confederacy.
A separated
B neighboring
C colonial
D competing
15 I admire his work.
A recognize
B exploit
C tolerate
D esteem
答案:1 D 2D 3C 4A 5B 6A 7C 8B 9B 10A 11D 12A 13B 14B 15 D [page]


16 The weather was nice in Trumbull County on Saturday evening.
A Right
B Wrong
C Not mentioned
17 George Snyder was a firefighter.
A Right
B Wrong
C Not mentioned
18 Amanda Symcheck was having a party in the basement when the storm began.
A Right
B Wrong
C Not mentioned
19 Power supply system was not damaged during the storm.
A Right
B Wrong
C Not mentioned
20 There had not been such a severe storm in Trumbull County for a hundred years.
A Right
B Wrong
C Not mentioned
21 Rescue vehicles had a hard time getting to people.
A Right
B Wrong
C Not mentioned
22 Several people were missing during the storm.
A Right
B Wrong
C Not mentioned
 16 B
17 A
本题的意思是:George Snyder是一位消防员。原文虽然没有直说他是于什么的,但提到他正开着消防车(fire truck),由此可以推断他是消防员。
18 B
本题可译为:暴风雨来临时Amanda Symcheck与别人正在地下室里聚会。原文是说他们正在聚会,但没说在地下室里聚会。而是说暴风雨来临后,他们跑到地下室里躲藏。19 B本题可译为:暴风雨中供电系统没遭到破坏。第五段最后一句说大风和暴雨使一些家庭的供电出现了问题,与题项矛盾,故选B。
20 C
21 A
22 C


23 Paragraph 1 __________.
24 Paragraph 2 __________.
25 Paragraph 3 __________.
26 Paragraph 4 __________.


27 Joying placed the buckets at all public-access areas to __________.
28 People are grateful to Carter Dunham for his efforts to __________.
29 Disposed oil and many other items can be reused to __________.
30 Ryan, with the help of others, is fulfilling his dream of help African people to __________.


23 D
本文的标题是“地球的天使”,主题是环保,介绍的是几个孩子如何以自己的行动来从事环保事业。第一段主要介绍Joying Brescia这个8岁的孩子是怎样从事环保工作的。细节内容是,她发现很多人在海滩上丢烟头,便筹集钱买来很多塑料桶,放在海滩上,提醒人们把烟头扔进桶里。选项D(Don’t Litter)的意思是不要乱扔垃圾,概括了这段的意思,作为第一段的小标题最合适,故选D。
24 F
第二段主要讲一名叫Carter Dunham的孩子和他的伙伴如何保护一片湿地及其里面的珍奇动物的事情。选项F的意思是“保护野生动物”,正好概括了这段的意思,所以选F。
25 E
第三段主要讲一个名叫Barbara Brow的女孩和她的朋友发现废弃的油污对土地污染严重,提醒人们不要随便丢弃油污。原文中的“Don’t Be Crude”就是这个意思,与选项E相同,故选E。 26 A
第四段主要介绍一名叫Ryan Hreljac的孩子通过打零工挣来的钱以及通过其他方式筹来的钱,成立的“水井基金”(Well Foundation),帮助非洲人喝上干净的水。选项A(Pro-vide Clean Water)的意思是“提供清洁的水”,与本段主题一致,故选A。
27 E
28 B
此句问的是人们感谢Carter Dunham所做的什么努力?第二段谈到的是他为保护湿地和野生动物作出了自己的贡献,故选B。
29 A
30 D
本句问的是Ryan和他的朋友一起帮助非洲人们实现什么梦想?第四段的主题是谈让他们喝上干净的水,故D为答案。 [page]
第四部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短 文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。


31 In the first paragraph, the author gives the definitions of some terms in order to __________.
A argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies
B smooth out the conflicts in human societies
C distinguish between two kinds of opposition
D summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation
32 According to the author, competition differs from conflict in that __________.
A it results in war in most cases
B it induces efforts to expand territory
C it is a kind of opposition among social entities
D it is essentially a struggle for existence
33 The phrase "function in the disservice of one another" (Para. 1) most probably means __________.
A betray each other
B harm one another
C help to collaborate with each other
D benefit one another
34 The author indicates in the passage that conflict __________.
A is an inevitable struggle resulting from competition
B reflects the struggle among social animals
C is an opposition among individual social entities
D can be avoided
35 The passage is probably intended to answer the question "__________".
A Is war inevitable?
B Why is there conflict and competition?
C Is conflict desirable?
D Can competition lead to conflict?


36 AI means the same as __________.
A an image
B an idea
C anyone in the water
D artificial intelligence
37 What is required of AI software to save a life?
A It must be able to swim.
B It must keep walking round the pool.
C It can distinguish between a swimmer and a shadow.
D It can save a life within a few months.
38 How does Poseidon save a life? __________
A He plunges into the pool.
B It alerts the lifeguard.
C He cries for help.
D It rushes to the pool.
39 Which of the following statements about Trevor baylis is NOT true?
A He runs.
B He invented the clockwork radio.
C He was once an entertainer.
D He runs a company.
40 The word "considered" in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by __________.
A "thought"
B "rated"
C "regarded"
D "believed"


41 The dramatic growth of the business dealing in video games is the result of __________.
A the development of computer industry
B the development of wireless technology
C the decline in movie industry
D the depression in the entertainment business
42 The consumers' first motivation in buying personal computer is to __________.
A play video games
B make writing easier for themselves
C facilitate their entrance into the stock market
D transmit printed information
43 What's the advantage that desktop publishing brings people? __________
A It makes home banking a reality.
B It provides a method for producing professional-looking documents.
C It makes it possible for people to receive newspaper electronically.
D It makes it possible for people to bring office work to home.
44 In the long run, the social effect of computers is that __________.
A it controls people's life
B it brings about a more equal society
C it might lengthen the distance between upper-middle-class people and lower-class people
D it leads to a profound change in the mass media
45 According to the passage, which of the following is true? __________.
A Computer may cause health problems for its users.
B Computer has led to a revolution in every aspect of people's life.
C Computer is financially within the reach for most consumers.
D The influence of computer has on people's life is not as great as people have predicted.

31 C
32 D
33 B
34 D
35 A
综合全文,可以看到作者通过对竞争和冲突的对比,说明的是文章开头提出的那个问题,即“The question of whether war is inevitable…”,所以这一题的正确答案应当为A。36 D
artificial intelligence人工智能。Al由artificial中的第一个字母a和intelligence中的第一个字母I合成。这样的词常叫做“首字母词”。严谨的说法应该是“首字母合成词”。字母词一般由实义词的首字母合成。因此A、B、C都可以排除。A说的是:一个图像。B说的是:一个思想。C说的是:水中的任何一个人。
37 C
38 B
39 A
本题问提:下面这些有关Travor Baylis的命题中哪一个不是真的?A说的是:他跑步。A中的run是不及物动词。最后一段中的“Baylis runs a company…”中的run是及物动词,作“经营”解。二者不是一回事。可见A是正确答案。B说的是:他发明了机械装置的无线电。这个选项可以从下面这个句子中找到(第六段):One man who is impressed with the idea is Travor Baytis,inventor of the clockwork radio.C说的是:他曾经是一名职业娱乐节目表演者。D说的是:他经营一家公司。C和D都可以在第六段里找到。
40 B
本题问的是:considered由下面的哪个词替换最合适?consider跟rate和regard的意义基本上是相同的。从句法要求上看,rate最松,其次是consider,最严的是regard。换句话说,凡是可用consider的地方一般是可以用rate替换的,但regard就不一定了,它必须跟as。结论是:意义不决定句法,词必须一个一个地学,只知道它的大概意思是不够的。41 A
42 A
43 B
44 D
45 A



A In her experiment, participants were seated at computers and told not to hit the "alt" key, because doing so would crash the systems.
B Because of the stress of a police interrogation, they conclude, suspects can become con-vinced that falsely confessing is the easiest way out of a bad situation.
C "It's a little like somebody's working on them with a dental (牙齿的) drill , "says FranklinZimring, a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
D "But the baseline is that adults are highly vulnerable too. "
E The court found him innocent and he was released.
F Redlich also found that the younger the participant, the more likely a false confession.
46 C
47 A
48 F
49 D
Saul Kassin同意Redlich的结果,她认为年轻人风险大(more at risk),但同时她又认为成年人也十分脆弱(vulnerable)。
50 B
由于在审讯过程中受到的压力,许多人认为做假供是一种摆脱厄境的方法,因此也是一种合理的决定。 [page]



A Their
B His
C Theirs
D Its
A strength
B width
C height
D length
A eaten
B crashed
C towed
D lifted
A distance
B rate
C voyage
D sail
A picture
B film
C example
D book
A off the coast of
B of the coast of
C away the coast of
D in the coast of
A hit
B seize
C damage
D overturn
A sink to
B rest on
C dive to
D hide on
A In that search
B Because of this
C In spite of that
D In support of this
A so
B such
C above
D the same
A air
B oxygen
C energy
D heat
A what
B where
C how
D when
A it is believed
B he believes
C we believe
D it believes
A because of
B due to
C since
D owing to
A communicates
B knows
C hears
D develops
51 D
第一句的主语是the whale,整个段落都在讨论the whale的特征。因为这指单数形式,又指的是动物,所以,只能选择D。
52 A
53 C
前面一句讲的是The blue whale’s pulling strength has been estimated at 400 horse-power,这一句给了实例,tow和pull是同义词,所以选择C。其他选项均不符合句意。
54 B
这里显然要表达的是“以……速度”。at the rate of是固定用法,相当于at the speed of.
55 C
56 A
57 B
根据in their jaws的提示,只有seize可与之搭配。hit/damage/overturn the whale-boats in their jaws的搭配不合逻辑,如果说成hit/damage/overturn the whaleboats with their jaws,或许有可能发生。
58 C
第一句是主题句,它告诉读者该段讨论鲸的潜水能力(diving ability),所以我们可以顺理成章地选择C项:dive to。选sink(下沉;击沉)明显不合适。选项B和D的内容与上下文意思不符。
59 A
第二个句子告诉我们,这种鲸潜到水底寻找章鱼。本句与第二句没有因果关系,也没有表示意义转折的关系,所以不能选择B和C。D使句子不成立。A是正确选项。that search指第二句的内容。
60 A
填入词的词义应指代上面句子的整个意思,such用作代词时,往往指人或事物。so可以用来指上句中的内容,即go as far down as 3,200 feet。Doing above或Doing the same英语没有错,但用在本句不合适。
61 B
我们可以借助两条线索做出正确的选择:一条是前面说到鲸鱼可以在水底待上一小时而不用浮出水面呼吸;另一条是括号中“所有的鲸鱼都是呼吸空气的动物”,再根据常识,我们知道说store up oxygen比说store up air更准确。energy或heat与上下文的意思不连贯。
62 C
句中it指上句鲸鱼的两个特征,而鲸鱼是如何做到这一点的科学家并不清楚。how是恰当的连词,它使上下文意思连贯。Just how he does it是have determined的宾语,为了强调,这个宾语前置到句首。
63 A
64 C
本句的前半句与后半句存在着因果关系,前半句是因,后半句是果。since是连词,用于连接句子,所以是正确的选择。because of,due to,owing to虽然都解释为“因为”,但它们是复合介词,后面只能接名词或名词词组,不能接句子,所以都不能选用。
65 B






