
牛课网 考试宝典 更新时间:2024-05-18 15:17:41

2014年国际货运代理人考试 复习已经开始了,为了让大家提高复习效率,考吧网(kao8.cc)小编特意整理了国际货运代理人考试辅导资料 ,供广大考生复习,在此也预祝大家在考试中取得优异的成绩!

1Contract FAT Rates

Many airlines are offering substantial discounts for large consignments, if they are presented to the airline in containerized or palletized form.

In some cases these rates are offered only to those prepared to sign a contract to give the airline a minimum annual tonnage.

However, in many other situations they are offered for any large consignment, either through a public rates, or as a result of under-the-counter discounting.

Bulk rates of this sort are always offered on a freight-of-all-kinds (FAK) basis. They are not therefore restricted to named commodities; also, it is perfectly

2Specific Commodity Rates

Specific Commodity Rates are rates which are applicable to named types of freight(货物).

In addition, they have a number of features which separate them as a distinct form of pricing(不同价格类型).

Specific Commodity Rates are not set by specific reference to General Cargo Rates. However they are always much lower than these rates. They are also available only for named commodities.

Specific Commodity Rates are offered for a vast number of commodities. Over 5,000 different commodities are described in lists of definitions prepared by the airlines with IATA (国际航空运输协会)for international services.

3ulk Unitization Rates

Bulk Unitization Rates offer low unit rates, substantially, below comparable General Cargo Rates.

They are available for all types of freight, irrespective of commodity type.

However these low rates are only given for freight which is prepackaged into an aircraft Unit Load Device (ULD集装器) that can be loaded directly into the aircraft.

For Bulk Unitization Rating, each of the different types of ULD is set a “pivot weight”(基准重量).

This acts as a minimum charge, with the shipper required to pay for this weight even if he is unable to place such an amount in the unit.








