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中学综合素质选择题答案: 1C 2B 3D 4A 5B 6C 7B 8A 9A 10D 11A 12D 13B 14C 15D 16C 17A 18D 19A 20C 21A 22B 23B 24C 25D 26B 27D 28B 29C 30.【参考答案】 材料中,李老师的教育行为符合“以人为本”的学生观要求,值得我们学习。 首先,以人为本学生观倡导学生是发展中的人,具有巨大的潜能。学生正处于全面发展阶段,要求教师应该用发展的眼光看待学生。材料中,李老师看到了特殊学生们的不同,没有放弃每一个学生,指导学生唱歌朗诵,帮助他们训练自信。看出来每一个学生的巨大潜力。耐心教导,在李老师的帮助下学生们越来越自信。 其次,学生是独特的人,具有自身的独特性。素质教育要求老师要正视学生的个别差异。根据学生的各方面情况进行因材施教。材料中,李老师组织艺术团,让每一位学生找到自己喜欢的爱好。而且他看到了学生媛媛的特殊,从个性化入手,帮她找到兴趣所在,最后同学越来越乐观。性格也开朗起来。针对学生的不同,他主张用触摸感知肢体动作。做法值得学习。 再次,学生是具有独立意义的人,是学习的主体,是具有能动性的教育对象。有自主的发展的可能性,要求教师要尊重学生的主体地位。材料中,李老师组织艺术团,让学生自己学习,他利用课余时间进行辅导。随后还开设了形体课,让学生们自己去锻炼,找回自信。把主动权交给学生自己,让学生也慢慢开朗起来。 综上所述,作为老师,要遵循“以人为本”学生观,尊重学生的主体地位,促进学生全面发展。 31.【参考答案】 材料中,唐老师的教育行为符合教师职业道德规范的要求,值得我们学习。 首先,老师的教育行为体现了爱岗敬业的要求。爱岗敬业要求教师志存高远,勤恳敬业,甘为人梯,乐于奉献。对工作高度负责,不得敷衍塞责。材料中,唐老师没有忽视学生们的问题,而是耐心进行引导,体现老师做到了爱岗敬业。 其次,老师的教育行为体现了关爱学生的要求。关爱学生要求教师做到关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生人格,平等公正对待学生。对学生严慈相济,做学生的良师益友。材料中,唐老师针对“小樱大闹天宫”一事,没有直接对小樱进行批评,而是仔细询问事件缘由,引导双方反思、道歉和宽容,可以看出教师对学生的尊重和关爱。 再次,老师的教育行为体现了教书育人的要求。教书育人要求教师做到遵循教育规律,实施素质教育。循循善诱,诲人不倦,因材施教。培养学生良好品行,激发学生创新精神,促进学生全面发展。材料中,唐老师面对“小樱大闹天宫”,没有直接下结论批评学生,而是询问清楚事由,耐心引导学生化解矛盾,宽容以待,做到了教书育人。 最后,老师的教育行为体现了为人师表的要求。为人师表要求教师严于律己,以身作则。尊重同事,尊重家长。自觉抵制有偿家教,不利用职务之便谋取私利。材料中,唐老师在处理“小樱大闹天宫”一事时,不急于下结论,而是问清缘由,引导大家认错,这种处理方式可以看出唐老师高尚的道德情操,做到了为人师表。 综上,作为新时代的人民教师,要在教育教学中始终遵循教育规律,遵守教师职业道德,为促进学生的发展不竭余力。 32.【参考答案】 (1)作者认为戏曲不是纯粹为阅读服务的文学体裁,不能将戏曲从真实的创作、表演环境中剥离出来,王国维针对戏曲文学作品的评价并不能适用于所有戏曲作品。戏曲作为通俗文化的产物,在阅读和研究过程中是有异于精英文化背景创作出的经典文学作品的。因此,二者在研究方式方法上都需要有所区别,故而不适合并列论之。 (2)研究中国古代戏剧史,不能只关注与于经典戏剧作品的文本内容,而是应该综合当时的时代背景、表演环境、排演规则乃至服装道具、剧目受众等周边信息进行研究。 首先,研究中国古代戏曲时不应忽略对于中国古代戏剧表演史的研究,二者相辅相成,本为一体。戏曲文化是一种娱乐市场上的生产活动,相较于纸面流传更多的是以表演形式进行传播,戏剧表演才应该是戏剧作品的载体。 其次,研究中国古代戏曲史应以中国古代社会发展为基石,才能在更加宏观、全面的角度看待戏曲,从而以史为镜、以史为鉴。戏曲文化是一种诞生于市井之间的文化形式,是通俗文化的代表,研究中国古代戏曲史应该植根于对中国古代社会的研究。 最后,研究中国古代戏曲史需要结合当下先进的思想理念,与时俱进才更加科学的认识戏剧。戏曲作为一种娱乐活动,需要我们对于文娱产业有足够的认识,在我们对当今社会的文化、娱乐、经济发展有足够认识的情况下,再去研究戏曲的发展会更加如虎添翼。 阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 “抢红包”是近年来流行的话题之一。各类抢红包活动此起彼伏,好不热闹。 与此同时,有关“抢红包”的争议也越来越大,有人认为是高科技时代的民俗变化,值得发扬;有人认为把亲情友情晾在一边,只认钱,坏了社会风气,也有人认为玩点游戏并没有错。 综合材料的内容。联系社会生活,写一遍议论文。 要求: 用规范的现在汉语写作,角度自选,标题自拟,不少于1000字。 答案【参考立意】: ①传统文化也可以用现代化表达; ②既要发扬高科技,又要重视亲情。

2020下高中英语 教师资格证 面试试题及答案【1月9日上午】


高中英语 词汇




A Couch Potato

Teaching aims

Students will be able to comprehend the passage and list the main character’s daily activity using timeline.

Students can be able to master the pronunciation, spelling, meaning and usage of the three underlined words.

Students will be able to use the words in their daily communications.

Students will be able to cultivate the awareness of having a healthy lifestyle.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the passage and master the underlined words.

Difficult point

To apply the words in daily use accurately and learn to improve their lifestyle.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Have students describe what their perfect day will be like and what they will do. Invite some volunteers to share their perfect days. Have others decide whether the lifestyles are healthy. Tell students Brian is telling us about his perfect day as a couch potato. Lead into the topic and ask them to guess what a couch potato is according to the context.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Have students read the article quickly and share their understanding of couch potato (a person who takes little exercise and watches a lot of television).

2. Read the passage again and complete the timeline on the screen in 5mins. Check the answers together.

3. Have students guess the meaning of the three underlined words. The teacher makes a summary and adds more information about these words.

a. “Immediate” means at once or soon, and its adverb is “immediately”.

b. “downstairs” means to the floor lower than the one you are on, and its antonym is “upstairs”.

c. “Living room” means a room in a house where people sit together and watch television. Besides, in dining room, people have meals, and in bathroom, people take a shower.

Step 3: Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Encourage students to share their answers and have other students to review them.

1. Our troops immediately returned the fire.

2. Wait downstairs in the hall.

3. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room.

4. He carried the plate through to the dining room.

5. Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died.

Step 4: Production

Tell students that Brian is determined to a have healthy lifestyle, and invite them to design a timetable for him. 5 minutes are given for discussion. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary learned as much as possible. Then invite some groups to share.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: wrap up today’s lesson and remind them to exercise regularly, eat healthily, reduce stress and drink plenty of water.

Homework: ask students to observe their mother’s or father’s lifestyles. Describe them to group members next class and share their opinions on how to improve them.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. Please introduce yourself briefly.






【Suggested version】

Hi, I am from XX. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree from XX College, in 2019. I majored in English translation. During college, I engaged in part-time English teaching, being an English teacher at a training institution and a volunteer teacher at a rural school. The students like my classes very much, which stimulates my love for education and make me aspire to be an educator.

I like reading during my leisure time. I like reading different kinds of books, covering education, literature, medicine, etc. My favorite book is The End of Molasses Classes authored by Ron Clark. This book is very attractive with various authentic teaching examples to illustrate that teachers should have high expectations of students, thereby students can make astonishing progress. This book has inspired me a lot during my teaching part-time experience, and will guide me in teaching in the future.

In my spare time, I also like doing some sports, such as jogging, yoga, and playing badminton with my friends.

My qualifications and work experience make me a suitable candidate to be a teacher. I am looking forward to exploring new dimensions for the further development of my skills.


2. Do you have any ways to motivate students to learn English?







【Suggested version】

One of the toughest tasks a teacher can have is to motivate students in the right way. I'd like to share my ideas.

Firstly, one way to encourage students’ intrinsic motivation is to make class communicative. Group activities and a flipped class are both great ways to attain the goal.

Secondly, making class fun is a surefire way to raise intrinsic motivation levels. Here are some strategies we can try: first is to invite pop culture into class, since students love movies, magazines and pop music. We could use them in class for listening activities, reading activities or to learn new vocabulary. The second way is to play games with students. They’re highly effective ways to teach vocabulary and practise grammatical structures.

What’s more, it’s important to give positive feedback, like compliments and encouragement, as well as criticism. Teachers don’t have to be the only source of feedback for students. We can encourage peer feedback and self-evaluation.

After teachers successfully inspire the motivation of students, we set them up for success even after they leave classrooms.

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