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① 高中英语教师资格证笔试有哪些注意事项以及重要的考点 你好, 综合历年真题来看,《英语学科知识与教学能力》科目第一题单项选择题,主要考查学生语言知识与能力,和语言教学知识与能力,通俗来讲就是语法词汇、语言学中有关教学的理论知识,以及教学理论知识。第二题是阅读题,主要考查题材是人文类阅读,在阅读中渗透英语国家的语言文化。第三题是简答题,主要针对教学理论来出题,重点掌握英语语言知识教学理论、英语语言技能教学理论、教学实施理论。第四题是教学设计题,考查学生拿到一个材料如何去设计一堂课的能力,通过书面写出教学设计来考查学生对课堂教学的掌握情况。第五题是教学情景分析题,这是一道综合分析题,出题比较灵活,会综合所有教学理论来考查,会考查老师对学生的评价,老师对一堂课或者一个教学片段的反思,或者对某个教学理论的应用等。 高中前十道是英语语法词汇及语言学,后十道选择题目是关于教学法部分。阅读部分高中考题篇幅约为600词,题目难度相对较大。其余关于教学理论的考查也就是简答、教学设计和教学情景分析题。 ② 教师资格证英语专业知识考试范围 1.语言知识与能力:单项选择题(语言知识) 单项选择题(阅读理解) 2..语言教学知识与能力: 单项选择 简答题(中文作答) 3.教学设计:(根据所提供的信息和语言素材进行教学设计,中文作答) 4.教学实施与评价(教学情境分析题:根据题目要求进行教学分析,中文作答。 考试目标 1.英语学科知识与能力 具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言能力;具备从事初中英语教学所需要的英语语言能力;能理解有关英语国家的语言、历史和文化等相关知识。 ③ 统考教师资格证、高中英语学科知识与能力简答题和教学情景分析题,如何复习 您好,教师资格证的考试重点梳理,您可以让名师带领你一起报考。④ 有没有大神知道,教师资格证学科考试,英语科目的题型啊都考啥题型 英语科目的考试题型如下: 语言知识与能力:①单项选内择题(语言知识) ②单项选择题(阅读能力)容 语言教学知识与能力:①单项选择题 ②简答题(中文作答) 教学设计:(教学设计题:根据所提供的信息和语言素材进行教学设计,本题用英文作答) 教学实施与评价:(教学情境分析题:根据题目要求进行教学分析,本题用中文作答) ⑤ 英语教师资格证都考什么内容 英语教师资格证需要考笔试科目和面试科目,笔试主要有三门,包括科目一《综合素质》,科目二《教育知识与能力》,科目三《学科知识与教学能力》。 报考学历要求: 1、取得幼儿园教师资格,应当具备幼儿师范学校毕业及其以上学历; 2、取得小学教师资格,应当具备中等师范学校毕业及其以上学历; 3、取得初级中学教师、初级职业学校文化、专业课教师资格,应当具备高等师范专科学校或者其他大学专科毕业及其以上学历; 4、取得高级中学教师资格和中等专业学校、技工学校、职业高中文化课、专业课教师资格,应当具备高等师范院校本科或者其他大学本科毕业及其以上学历; 5、取得高等学校教师资格,应当具备研究生或者大学本科毕业学历; 6、取得成人教育教师资格,应当按照成人教育的层次、类别,分别具备高等、中等学校毕业及其以上学历。 (5)教师资格证英语简答题扩展阅读 教师资格证面试: 一般面试时间约10分钟。面试分为说课和考官提问两部分。面试成绩为合格或不合格。 面试要求:不携带任何资料,即问即答,谈话式交流。仪表端庄,服饰得体,行为大方,气质文雅,师德良好。使用普通话,语言清晰、流畅、准确、完整,有感染力。解答针对拟教学科以及教育学、心理学、相关专业基础知识的有关问题。 讲课 给10分钟时间准备,然后把这段话以讲课的形式也就是给学生上课的形式讲出来 讲之前回答两个问题,讲之后回答两个问题,主要强调情景教学关于考官的提问,可能会涉及说课内容,但主要是关于教育教学发展动态、政治思想理论或者关于考生个人的,比如为什么想当老师等等。 ⑥ 教师资格证考试英语学科有哪些题型 教师资格证考试英语学科考试题型有: Ⅰ.语言知识与能力:1.单项选择题(语言知识)2.单项选择题(阅读理解) Ⅱ.语言教学知识与能力:1.单项选择题2.简答题(中文作答) Ⅲ.教学设计:(根据所提供的信息和语言素材进行教学设计,中文作答) Ⅳ.教学实施与评价(教学情境分析题:根据题目要求进行教学分析,中文作答。 【考试时间】 一般是分为上下半年,上半年是1月份左右报名,3月份左右考试。下半年9月份左右报名,11月份左右考试。具体时间以当地教委公布时间为准。 ⑦ 求教师资格证初中英语简答题知识点总结! 教师帮有总结英语学科知识,希望能够帮助到你。 马上要考试了,好好复习,加油~ ⑧ 教师资格证考试英语学科中科目三复习技巧 教师资格证考试科目三《英语学科知识与能力》:主要分两大部分考察:英语专回业基础知识、英答语课程与教学论。这两部分和它们的名字一样,英语专业基础知识主要就是考察你的专业知识过不过关,英语课程与教学论则是考察你作为一名英语老师是否能够有效教学。首先教师资格证考试英语专业基础知识这一部分就靠刷题,单项选择题中除了会考到语言学这种十分专业的内容外,其余的知识和高考考察的内容难度差不多,只要我们多加练习,问题不是很大。只是教师资格证考试题目往往包含很多专业词汇,这里建议整理下来,多记几次就不陌生了。另外阅读理解难度类似于大学英语六级的难度,但出题思路有所差异,建议多做真题,多背单词。另一部分教师资格证考试英语课程与教学论,主要以简答题、教学情景分析题以及教学设计题来考察。其中简答题和教学情景分析题可以结合科二的内容来学习记忆,做好知识的迁移。教师资格证考试英语学科中科目三复习技巧我就说到这里了,祝愿各位考生都能取得好成绩。更多关于教师资格证考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯等相关内容,我会持续更新。 ⑨ 初中英语教师资格证科三有什么复习技巧 1、对于第一大题型单复项选择,我们平时制复习的时候侧重点可以多放在英语语言学知识和英语教学论。 2、简答题也是大家在考试中需要多备考的内容。这一方面是教师需要掌握的基本教学知识,而且这一大题共20分,分值相对也较大,在备考时可以多注意这一方面。 3、是教学情境分析题。对于大家来说,这一部分也是相对陌生的,在考试时,会根据相应的英语教学知识考察考生的英语教学能力。所以这种题型和我们传统的英语考试所考的内容有很大区别,所以大家可以在这一块多备考。 4、、教学设计题。这一题型分值较大,有40分。这种题型对单选的教学方面的题目、案例分析题等都有直接或间接的帮助。大家在备考的时候可以先了解自己所报考学段各个不同类型的教案该如何撰写,然后自己总结出不同类型的规律,之后自己需要多操练,找教材上的任意一课来练习,这样在考试的时候,不管遇到什么陌生的课文,只要是我们平时练习到的类型,那么我们也可以很轻松地应对。 ⑩ 教师资格考试初中英语的简答题怎么做的,大神们,求教 教师资格考试初中英语的简答题相对我们高考的英语难度接近,我们可以参考高考英语简答题和材料分析题来强化训练,最好能够参考最新的考试复习资料。





2020下高中英语 教师资格证 面试试题及答案【1月9日上午】


高中英语 词汇




A Couch Potato

Teaching aims

Students will be able to comprehend the passage and list the main character’s daily activity using timeline.

Students can be able to master the pronunciation, spelling, meaning and usage of the three underlined words.

Students will be able to use the words in their daily communications.

Students will be able to cultivate the awareness of having a healthy lifestyle.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To understand the passage and master the underlined words.

Difficult point

To apply the words in daily use accurately and learn to improve their lifestyle.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Have students describe what their perfect day will be like and what they will do. Invite some volunteers to share their perfect days. Have others decide whether the lifestyles are healthy. Tell students Brian is telling us about his perfect day as a couch potato. Lead into the topic and ask them to guess what a couch potato is according to the context.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Have students read the article quickly and share their understanding of couch potato (a person who takes little exercise and watches a lot of television).

2. Read the passage again and complete the timeline on the screen in 5mins. Check the answers together.

3. Have students guess the meaning of the three underlined words. The teacher makes a summary and adds more information about these words.

a. “Immediate” means at once or soon, and its adverb is “immediately”.

b. “downstairs” means to the floor lower than the one you are on, and its antonym is “upstairs”.

c. “Living room” means a room in a house where people sit together and watch television. Besides, in dining room, people have meals, and in bathroom, people take a shower.

Step 3: Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Encourage students to share their answers and have other students to review them.

1. Our troops immediately returned the fire.

2. Wait downstairs in the hall.

3. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room.

4. He carried the plate through to the dining room.

5. Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died.

Step 4: Production

Tell students that Brian is determined to a have healthy lifestyle, and invite them to design a timetable for him. 5 minutes are given for discussion. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary learned as much as possible. Then invite some groups to share.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: wrap up today’s lesson and remind them to exercise regularly, eat healthily, reduce stress and drink plenty of water.

Homework: ask students to observe their mother’s or father’s lifestyles. Describe them to group members next class and share their opinions on how to improve them.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. Please introduce yourself briefly.






【Suggested version】

Hi, I am from XX. I completed my Bachelor of Arts degree from XX College, in 2019. I majored in English translation. During college, I engaged in part-time English teaching, being an English teacher at a training institution and a volunteer teacher at a rural school. The students like my classes very much, which stimulates my love for education and make me aspire to be an educator.

I like reading during my leisure time. I like reading different kinds of books, covering education, literature, medicine, etc. My favorite book is The End of Molasses Classes authored by Ron Clark. This book is very attractive with various authentic teaching examples to illustrate that teachers should have high expectations of students, thereby students can make astonishing progress. This book has inspired me a lot during my teaching part-time experience, and will guide me in teaching in the future.

In my spare time, I also like doing some sports, such as jogging, yoga, and playing badminton with my friends.

My qualifications and work experience make me a suitable candidate to be a teacher. I am looking forward to exploring new dimensions for the further development of my skills.


2. Do you have any ways to motivate students to learn English?







【Suggested version】

One of the toughest tasks a teacher can have is to motivate students in the right way. I'd like to share my ideas.

Firstly, one way to encourage students’ intrinsic motivation is to make class communicative. Group activities and a flipped class are both great ways to attain the goal.

Secondly, making class fun is a surefire way to raise intrinsic motivation levels. Here are some strategies we can try: first is to invite pop culture into class, since students love movies, magazines and pop music. We could use them in class for listening activities, reading activities or to learn new vocabulary. The second way is to play games with students. They’re highly effective ways to teach vocabulary and practise grammatical structures.

What’s more, it’s important to give positive feedback, like compliments and encouragement, as well as criticism. Teachers don’t have to be the only source of feedback for students. We can encourage peer feedback and self-evaluation.

After teachers successfully inspire the motivation of students, we set them up for success even after they leave classrooms.

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