
牛课网 考试宝典 更新时间:2024-05-13 08:24:36

浙江湖州中考语文试卷 小儿厌食的中医辨证论治 佳木斯历届高考状元


21. -- I heard you had a barbecue down at the beach. How did it go?

? --It poured. We had to postpone it again. ?

--What does the woman mean? ?

22. -- I have an appointment with Dr. Stevens at 3 o'clock tomorrow. But something's come up I'd like to reschedule. Uh, any chance I can get in by the end of this week?

-- Well, we just had a cancellation for Friday. After that, the doctor will be out of the office for 2 weeks. ?

--What does the woman mean? ?

23. --I have to type all these reports by Monday morning.?

--There goes your sleep this weekend. ?

--What does the man mean? ?

24. --This should be State Street up here on the left.?

-- It's not. I think you should've turned left at the last intersection. ?

--What does the woman mean? ?

25. -- How about seeing the new movie at the North Park Theater tonight? ?

-- Sounds great. But I got go over my notes for tomorrow's mid-term. ?

--What can be inferred about the man? ?

26. --Did you get traveler's checks to take on your vocation? ?

-- Yeah. It sure beat carrying around a wallet for big bills. ?

--What does the woman mean? ?

27. -- Let's ask professor Brown if she can give us the final exam during the last week of classes. ?

-- You mean instead of during the exam period? Not much chance of that. ?

--What does the woman mean? ?

28. -- I've had enough of this museum. Why don't we skip the gift shop? ?

-- Look. We promised my brother the poster so we haven't much choice. ?

--What does the woman mean? ?

29. -- Hey, Dan. I hear you're meeting Susan's parents for the first time. ?

-- Yeah, next weekend. Fortunately her father loves to fish so we'll have something to talk about. ?

--What can be inferred about Dan? ?

30. -- I need to find a dermatologist. You're familiar with Dr. Smith, do you recommend her? ?

-- Well, I've been seen by her a few times. And the best I can say for her is she has interesting magazines in her waiting room. ?

--What does the woman imply? ?








